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Early Holiday Edition Foodie Friday: The Tattooed Cookie

For a long time, success was defined by how high one climbed the corporate ladder. But in recent years – and perhaps even more so post-COVID – personal fulfillment has become more important than big business, and cottage industries, which allowed for work which kept us closer to home, were valued.

Over the last decade, Jen Netting, a familiar face and voice to local theatre lovers, has developed and evolved into a business with a big local following. The origins were something near and dear to her heart, her very British husband.

“My husband had been here about 10 years, and we had tried going to Walmart and Meijer and looking at their international food aisles trying to find treats that he liked. He missed scones and Victoria sponge cake, but we couldn’t find them so I decided I should learn how to make them. I got a recipe from his mom and made them, giving them to friends at Christmases.”

When those efforts received rave reviews, Netting opened a home business called The Englishman’s Wife in 2010 which, a couple years later became Let’s Get Sconed. The business began with a focus on scones, pies, and favorite holiday treats. But then something happened to help further grow Sconed, something which has led to the latest addition, The Tattooed Cookie. A serious obsession with decorated cookies became one of her most artistic projects yet thanks to a nudge from a friend in the theatre community.

“I blame Maggie Cole Hunter, this is all her fault,” Netting said. “Well, I blame her and credit her at the same time. In February 2019 she approached me and asked ‘Have you ever done decorated sugar cookies?’ I said, heck no. I had taken a cake decorating class at Country Kitchen, but I’m not an artist. I’m a baker, that’s it. She said ‘Give me a couple dozen,’ and she paid for them, bless her heart.”

With a troupe of faithful friends, Netting found her early attempts at decorating cookies a big hit, and eventually orders began to pile up. She continued to study at Country Kitchen, watched tutorials online, took virtual classes, and practiced her craft a dozen cookies at a time. Suddenly she was still a baker, but now she was also an artist. And as she piled up the orders, she also piled up the cookie cutters.

Jen Netting

“I started categorizing them, and I have 883 already categorized,” she said. “But I have six organizers filled with some I haven’t put on the list yet so I’d say I have 1000 to 1100 so far. I also have a 3D printer so I’m learning how to make my own cutters.”

Netting is now taking orders for the holidays, and she can be found on Facebook at The Tattooed Cookie dba Let’s Get Sconed. She will also be available this winter at the Farmer’s Market at Parkview Field where she’ll have pickup availability for orders as well as other treats available to take home and warm up. As for holiday orders, placing them sooner rather than later is recommended.

“Last year I did 30 dozen cookies in one week, but that was a little excessive,” Netting said. “I don’t recommend it. Usually 10-12 dozen a week is good. If anyone wants to order for Christmas, I’d suggest a week or two before the holiday.”

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